We desire to present every man complete in Christ 

(Colossians 1:28)

Our primary passion at Washington International Mission University is to build you up in your faith and to equip you for ministry to others. We desire to present every man complete in Christ (Colossians 1:28).

We are training activators who are launching globally, each one transforming others with revelation and wisdom. Computers, communication technology, and methods are dynamic. Therefore, we will train you to become His Light in this changing world with the unchanging Word of God, imparting Jesus’ gifts, as we build churches in a global community together.

You will find that Washington International Mission University is a great environment to seek God, discover your own gifts, form your core values, and identify & activate the desires He built in you.

Emphasis on Internship With all of the programs we offer, there is a strong emphasis on internship. This is your opportunity for hands-on experience – you learn best by doing. We help give you that opportunity in a wide variety of ministries, both urban and multi-cultural. You will also get a chance to be involved in a broad spectrum of activities within those ministries.

  • Please, ask God if this is for you!
    Do you have a hunger for abiding presence of God?
  • Is the cry of your heart to see God’s Kingdom come, on earth as it is in Heaven?
  • I would encourage you to pray, asking Jesus if Washington International Mission University is the next step for you! We will be happy to welcome you to the family!
We exist for training in Christian


We exist for training in Christian academics, life skills, and ministry skills for the objective of sending people globally to make disciples of all nations.

What is our goal?

To raise up a Kingdom people – a generation of men and women that will go throughout the world making disciples of the nations, baptizing in the name of Father, Son,and Holy Spirit. And to teach the new disciples (Matthew 28:19).

How is this done?

We are a school of the supernatural. We value an atmosphere of faith – a spiritual greenhouse where the life and the fruit of God’s Spirit is evident. You will capture this value through practical “worshiping” ministry experience; through seasoned teachers who impart their gifts, wisdom and passions; and through discipleship under qualified mentors.

You will be expanded in three primary areas:

1. Ministry Skills   
2. Life-Skills  
3. Word of Knowledge from God Skills

You will gain lasting relationships with fellow students, mentors, teachers and pastors, helping you build a network from which you can launch a fruitful ministry.

Our Basic Core Values

These are the four common threads you will discover running throughout our programs:

1. Worshiping God  
2. Equipping with the Word of God
3. Knowing and Using Your Gifts  
4. Discipling Others